Friday, 5 July 2013

Legally Blonde - Find My Way

There are now less than 3 weeks until the opening night of 'Sound of Music' at the Regents Park Open Air Theatre so hopefully Faye is settling in to the role of big Sis Liesl Von Trapp.

Based on her tweets it seems that this past week may have been a memorable one for Faye:

Why is everything so much better once I've had my nails done 

Finally... It's Wednesday 3rd July... Well I've been patient! x

Nothing can get me down today...!! 😄💗

I'm not sure why 3rd July was such a special day but I hope it turned out to be as wonderful as she hoped it would be.


Unfortunately I can't delay it any longer, the time has come for our final track from the Legally Blonde tour.

William Shakespeare wrote
"To thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day,
thought cans't not then be false to any man."

I think this wise statement best applies to a woman--a blonde woman.
Over the past three years, she taught me and showed us
all that being true to yourself never goes out of style.

Ladies and gentlemen, our valedictorian:

Legally Blonde - Find My Way

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