Friday, 28 June 2013

A Quick Catch Up

Here is a quick catch up with what's been happening in Faye's world since I've been away:

Faye began rehearsals for her new role as Liesl Von Trapp in the 'Sound of Music' on June 17th.

June 16th
Early start tomorrow... This lady needs her Beauty sleep 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤

Personally, I think if there is one person who really doesn't need her Beauty sleep it's Faye.

June 18th
I'm pooped and its only day 2 ...

They're clearly working them hard in rehearsals. Maybe a bit more skipping needed?

21st June
Love the fact that my job requires me to have a guitar lesson.... Hehe!

Could we have the next Hank B. Marvin on our hands?

22nd June
One week in ... A few of my favourite things!

Sounds like Faye's having fun :)

24th June
Fancied a big coffee today to start my week ahead.... Just didn't know how big made them! Haha ;)

Rehearsals must be tiring if Faye is favouring Coffee over a nice brew.

26th June
Another day with my little brothers&sisters...

Sounds like cast and crew are getting on great and Faye is enjoying being big Sis.

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