Sunday, 6 April 2014

Have Fun At Rehearsals Faye !!

I wanted to wish Faye all the luck in the world for the Shrek Tour rehearsals which I believe started today.

Morning TWEEPs! Been up with the birdies this morning, Off to London... ; ) x

I've got a busy day of rehearsals!!! x

Shrek looks like the most fantastic fun show. I'm sure the entire cast are going to have a blast.


The picture above doesn't actually have much to do with this post but I wanted to include it anyway.

The Legally Blonde Tour is probably my all time favourite show and these girls - Faye (Elle Woods), Tracey Penn (Vivienne), Hannah Grover (Brooke Wyndham) - were part of a very special cast.

I still miss that show but I have a feeling the Shrek Tour is going to be every bit as spectacular. Only 107 days to go until opening night.

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