Thursday, 26 December 2013

Faye's Clismas Treats & Tweets !!

Check out the lovely picture above of Faye and her brother Jack. I can certainly see why she refers to them as TWINNIES, it was only the Clismas Kitten ears that helped me tell them apart.

Hopefully Faye and her family had a lovely Christmas. I'm sure Santa would have had a big sack of pressies for someone as wonderful as Faye. Hopefully she liked my gift. Obviously I don't know Faye that well so choosing the perfect present is always a little tricky but what I settled on in the end should at least bring back some happy memories of her summer in the park playing Liesl in The Sound of Music.

Here are a selection of Faye's Clismas tweets:

Melly Clismas wishes to my cast of get home safe. Enjoy a very special Clismas day with all your lovely ones! x

Santa's been!!!.... Eeeee Melly Clismas Everyone! x

put her face on the wrapping paper...!!! Don't even want the present, just her face! x

Only way to drink prosecco... ! x

Reunited again with my little twin x

Clismas din dins ... x


I hope everyone had a great day and remember it's only 364 days until we do it all again. A wise fairy once told me 'That's hardly any time at all.' HAPPY BOXING DAY.

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